sui / yi



she is…

having crushes in horny hell

hobart pulp

fighting double trouble, or finding yellow girls in Woman Warrior & Fantasian (Finalist in the 2020 Black Warrior Review Flash Fiction contest; Finalist for Best of the Net 2022; Honorable Mention in Best American Essays 2022; Shoutout in LitHub)

apogee journal

mocking the police state / delta kappa threnody

leaning toward possibilities of positivism

entropy magazine


gulping time, love, substances in the present: k, now?

feeling asian american melancholy / a trio against self-negation

cosmonauts ave

the airgonaut

wondering: maybe there is a reason for the season

mourning sexual assault & waking girls — rising to attention in our violet bodies

maudlin house

winter tangerine


…elsewhere, she’s making way in the mise en scene on her blog, Diegetic Intervention